Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Research: 16-25 concerns

Concerns for the TA:

I am researching the concerns of our target audience of 16-25

Mental Health:

PTSD - The overall prevalence rate for a diagnosis of PTSD. It was much higher in young people and adults aged 16-24 years with 5% of young men and 4% of young women likely to screen positive for PTSD.

Depresssion and anxiety- The adult psychiatric morbidity survey completed in 2007 indicated that 16% of young people aged 16-24 met the criteria for diagnosis with a common mental health condition such as depression and anxiety.

Self-harm - Reports of self-harm were highest for young people of both sexes in the 16-24 age group.

Suicidal thoughts

For mental health there is a lot more conditions that affect 16-25 who need support e.g eating disorders etc.

Social concerns:

The top most social concerns that people ages 16-25 face people today

1. Lack of employment opportunities
2. Failure to succeed in education system
3. Family problems
4. Substance abuse
5. Pressures of materialism
6. Lack of affordable housing
7. Negative stereotyping
8. Pressures of 24-hour social networking
9. Crime

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